Welcome–Lewis County Gospel Mission
Dear Community Member:
We would like to invite you to participate in our primary fundraising event for the 2025 year. Our “LCGM Annual Dinner & Auction” will be held at the Centralia Christian School on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 at 4:00-9:00 p.m. CLICK HERE to download the PDF flyer.
Tickets can be obtained by calling Janet at the Mission 360-996-4474 or online at https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/lc-gospel-mission/annual-dinner-auction/
The Lewis County Gospel Mission was formed in 1996 and is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization located in Chehalis, WA. We are the only day shelter in Lewis County serving hot meals 7 days a week. We serve more than 3900 meals per month. We also provide showers, clothing, and other basic services to the homeless, those released from jail, and others in need in our community.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Mission is serving so many more people, that our food & other costs have gone up significantly! We need more than $1,000 per day to continue helping those in need. Can you help us, please?
Would you please consider supporting your local mission by donating merchandise, gift certificates and/or services for either the silent or live auctions? The donations do not have to be directly associated with your business. All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. Please provide donations by April 4th. Donations will be accepted after that date. However, if we are unable to included them in this year’s event, we will save them & use the item(s) next year.
If you would like to sponsor this event, please let us know. Platinum Level- $5000, Gold level- $1000, Silver level- $500, or Bronze level- $250. CLICK HERE for more sponsorship information. If you are interested in donating an item(s) or have questions, please contact me at (360) 996-4474.
Thank you for considering our requests.
Janet Anderson
Admin. Director & Event Coordinator
360-996-4474 (Mission)
360-508-4205 (mobile)
Tax # 91-2035646

Mission Statement: Glorify God by meeting spiritual and physical needs of the homeless and needy in Lewis County.
Lewis County Gospel Mission (LCGM) helps meet the needs of hurting people and transforming lives by exercising the love of Jesus Christ in the Lewis County Gospel Mission facility and the Lewis County Jail.
Our goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provide Christian fellowship, provide for physical needs and to work together with churches and organizations in Lewis County, Washington.

Director’s Note:
As I reflect on nearly 8 months at the Lewis County Gospel Mission, I think, “how time flies!” More importantly how blessed we are! All of us at the Mission get to serve those who are the least of these every day. With great service comes great joy. With great service comes Great reward! With great service comes great understanding. With great service comes great rejoicing!
AND, sometimes great service leads to great heartbreak. Death as a result of an overdose is a very real reality in the homeless community. Rage and despair are a daily event for those dealing with severe mental illness. Put together mental illness and addiction and there seems to be no hope.
Enter a baby in a manger! The whole direction of mankind changed with that single event. HOPE became a living reality. The God of the universe walked among his creation. He healed the broken of that day and still does today! Those of who work in the “homeless” places can tell stories of addiction turned to Worship. Hopelessness turned to praise. Self-loathing turned to wholeness. And the list goes on and on!
Joy to the WORLD! The Savior has come!
– Rollin
Executive Director
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you cam to visit me” (Matthew 25:35, 36).
Serving God’s love to the homeless and needy of Lewis County.

Do Unto Others . . .
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31).
Extra Special Sponsors
Current Needs:
- Cases of Water
- Tents (1-3 person)
- Sleeping Bags
- Back Packs
- Men’s pants sizes 28” – 36”
- Women’s Leggings S-L
- Hoodies (men’s & ladies)
- Medium Ground Coffee
- Non-dairy Creamer & Splenda
- Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, beef, vienna sausage)
- Cup of Noodles/Top Raman
- Canned Soups
- Canned Chili
- Canned Fruit or Fruit Cup Snack Packs
- Peanut Butter Snack Bars (soft)
- Crackers
- Oatmeal Packets
- Protein Drinks
- Jello or Pudding
- Protein Shakes & Protein Bars
- Individual snacks, fruit cups, and nuts
- Dog Food
- Cat Food
We accept donations M-F, between 8 am – 2 pm. We are located at 72 SW Chehalis Ave, Chehalis, WA 98532. Please call us at (360) 996-4474 for arrangements outside of our normal donation hours. Thank you!

Office: 360-996-4474
Lewis County Gospel Mission
72 SW Chehalis Ave
Chehalis, WA 98532
We are located at
72 SW Chehalis Ave
Chehalis, Washington 98532